Reviews & Coverage
"Arks is the craziest, most original, and most compelling comic he’s read in a long, long time"
Part-Time Fanboy
“I didn’t believe glistening mucus could be so beautiful”
Comic Book News UK Review
“Back This! Adam and Eve meets Ridley Scott’s Alien”
The Pullbox Review
"I was skeptical when they said they had invented a new genre of science fiction. Damn was I proven wrong!"
First Issue Club
"Sci-Fi just took some major steps forward"
Unconventional Comics
"Spectacular & Jaw dropping a must read"
Shattered Glass Review
“Arks is out of this World”
Pipedream Comics Review
Syn Bio & Von Neumann Probes! Writer Q&A
Any excuse to talk about syn bio and von Neumann probes with the brilliant guys at Comic Book News UK
New Genre of Science Fiction?
We talk to Bleeding Cool about accidentally creating a new genre of science fiction
The Awesome Comics Podcast Interview
Our first podcast live from Thought Bubble 2021 convention floor with the chaps from TACP!
Go Collect - Debuts Gorgeous Art
First look at Joesph and Lilith’s Syn Suits with the amazing gang at Go Collect
Science Faction! Annoyed or curious? Read on…
ARKS creator talks about his love for sci-fi and the giant gap in contemporary science fiction - interstellar travel