Have you ever wondered how we will leave our solar system and colonise distant worlds? The scientist who discovered DNA found out how, in 1974.

Arks is the story of two planetary engineers, Joseph and Lilith, who are booted by bacteria onto a terraformed world orbiting a distant star. To their horror they discover that the process may have accidentally turned the entire planet into a bomb.

As the last surviving humans, Arks, they have terrible decision to make. Do they try to survive in this brutal world or do they do the unthinkable and euthanize the species?

Issue One and Two of this incredible six-part graphic novel have been released and we will be launching Issue Three and all subsequent Issues exclusively on Kickstarter. To be notified about our next campaign in Feb 2022 follow the prelaunch page below. 


The idea

There is one giant gap in contemporary science fiction - interstellar travel. We solve it with light speed, wormholes, and stasis pods, but the simple reality is, that it is impossible. Reductio ad absurdum - the idea is so unbelievably complex that solving one problem creates multiple new absurd problems.

This maritime view of space travel, traveling across the galaxy in space ships is a vestige of a different era, and that if we were to ever attempt to colonize planets beyond our solar system, we'll do it in a way more akin to plant pollination. Directed panspermia is an idea that has existed since the 1970s and it would allow us to travel to extrasolar planets with near future technologies.

ARKS will be the first pop culture story that explores this amazing and mind-bending gap in science fiction. It's a beautiful new fron-tier with frightening ramifications for us and our descendants. If you want tQ see this story continue and support the little indie team creating Arks, then please back our upcoming crowd funders, come and say hi to us comic cons and tell your mates if you think this comic is their jam.


Clicky Sprout Wife is a self determining aggregate of dreamer losers, scribblers and code nodes who occasionally come together and make dope s**t.

We are currently running Kickstarters for graphic novel series called Arks, and we have other dreams and schemes plotted and dotted for the future.

To say nice things and ask us questions:
